Thursday, January 22, 2009

Times Tables

Flashcards for all the times tables can be downloaded from here. This site also provides lessons on how to learn your tables the traditional method

Lots and lots of downloads for learning your times tables at BBC Skillwise numbers
Teaching ideas has lots and lots of downloadable games and ideas for learning multiplication and Division

Games ideas
Practice Hula Hoop Times Tables!

from Dishpan Dribble a multiplication lapbook
from Talibiddeen JR a Multiplication file folder games/Lapbooks for 3-7 times tables. I really hope she completes the rest as these look good.
Hands of a child has a multiplication pizza party lapbook. You do have to pay for HOAC lapbooks but they are always well worth it. here is a review of it with photos.

Our Homeschooling Expedition has lots and lots of links to multiplication and division lessons and worksheets here and a lapbook here. It is simple but good for lots of revision of times tables.

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Click for a FREE lapbook!